Questions Women Often Have Before A Cesarean Section


When they become pregnant, most women assume they will be able to give birth naturally. A number of them then find out, during pregnancy, that it will be safest for them to have a Cesarean section, which is a procedure by which the baby is surgically removed from their uterus. Cesarean sections are quite common, and many women recover from them with no lasting side effects. However, it's still normal for women to feel apprehensive and to have a lot of questions in the days and weeks leading up to this obstetric surgery. Here are some questions you might have as your Cesarean approaches.

Will you be awake?   

In most cases, yes, you will be awake but sedated during the surgery. Your surgeons will give you a nerve block or regional anesthetic so that you cannot feel anything that is happening below your waist. You will also be given a sedative that calms your anxiety and takes the edge off so you feel comforted and comfortable during the procedure. Some women do, however, opt for general anesthesia during their Cesarean section. If you feel strongly that you would prefer this option, talk to your surgeon. They'll help you weigh the pros and cons of general anesthesia.

Will you get to enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your baby after a Cesarean section?

Skin-to-skin contact is really important for maternal bonding with the child. The good news is that you don't have to miss out on this if you deliver via a Cesarean section. Once the obstetrician confirms that your baby is healthy, they will put them on your chest for you to enjoy that skin-to-skin contact and bonding time. If your partner is in the room when you deliver, they can usually enjoy some skin-to-skin contact at this time, too.

How long will you have to stay in the hospital after the surgery?

Most women need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after a Cesarean. This is to ensure you heal properly and also adapt to taking care of your little one. Staying in the hospital for a few days means the nurses and staff will oversee your little one's care so you can focus on healing before going home. When you do return home, you will still need to be careful and avoid lifting and physical exertion for a while.

Hopefully, this article has answered some of your most burning questions about your upcoming Cesarean section. 

To learn more, contact obstetric care services.  


7 November 2022

Getting The Prenatal Care I Needed

As soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, I knew that I needed to make a few changes to ensure that me and my baby stayed safe. For starters, I called around to find a great OBGYN, and I was able to book an appointment with an incredible clinic. They were really nice to work with, and before I knew it, I was having my first appointment. It was really fun to see the little heartbeat and to know that my baby was healthy and safe, which is why I was so happy that I found a great prenatal clinic. This blog is all about getting great prenatal care.