How Doctors Diagnose Abnormal Bleeding


Before you get treatment for abnormal bleeding, it is important that you have an accurate diagnosis. You need to know why you are bleeding to ensure that the treatment you receive is appropriate.

If you are bleeding and think you might need help from an OBGYN, these are the ways a doctor may diagnose you.

Take Your Medical History

First, your OBGYN will take down your medical history. You should discuss your symptoms with a doctor so that they can determine if something else might be wrong, like an infection. You should also report to your doctor about when the bleeding tends to occur and if there have been any major changes in your lifestyle.

Undergo a Pelvic Exam

Next, the doctor may wish to perform a physical exam. The pelvic exam and Pap smear can reveal a lot of information, including the potential for abnormal cells to exist in the vagina or cervix. The doctor may also determine if there are lesions or another obvious cause for the bleeding.

Undergo an MRI

An MRI is also essential in some cases to detect uterine fibroids. An MRI provides images that reflect any types of abnormalities in the body. The MRI is important for diagnosing anything that is structurally wrong with the pelvic region.

Undergo a D&C

Some patients need to undergo a D&C, also known as a dilation and curettage. This is a procedure in which the doctor removes a piece of lining from the uterus. For many people, this prevents the bleeding and also allows the doctor to perform further testing.

Undergo an Ultrasound

If the OBGYN is still unsure of the cause of your bleeding, a doctor may recommend a transvaginal ultrasound. The ultrasound will consist of a probe being inserted into the vagina to produce images of the interior. The doctor will be able to assess your general vaginal health.

Undergo a Sonohysterogram

Another type of image may be produced with saline. This is a sonohysterogram, which can provide a detailed image that reveals much more than your traditional ultrasound. This imagery requires an injection into the uterus, which can make it slightly more uncomfortable for some patients.

Schedule an Appointment

If you experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, help is available. You may benefit from minimally invasive abnormal bleeding treatment. Speak with a professional today to make sure you get the best care after you receive your diagnosis.


6 December 2021

Getting The Prenatal Care I Needed

As soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, I knew that I needed to make a few changes to ensure that me and my baby stayed safe. For starters, I called around to find a great OBGYN, and I was able to book an appointment with an incredible clinic. They were really nice to work with, and before I knew it, I was having my first appointment. It was really fun to see the little heartbeat and to know that my baby was healthy and safe, which is why I was so happy that I found a great prenatal clinic. This blog is all about getting great prenatal care.