3 Prep Questions To Ask Before Your First Prenatal Imaging Center Visit


How should you prepare for your first visit to the prenatal imaging center? According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), most women should have a prenatal ultrasound between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. If this is your first ultrasound experience, take a look at what you need to know before your appointment. 

Can You Eat and Drink Normally Before Your Ultrasound?

Yes, you can eat and drink as you normally would before your first prenatal ultrasound appointment. Some medical procedures require the use of anesthesia to help the patient rest, relax, or sleep. If you've had a procedure that included the use of sedation, it's likely you also had pre-surgical food/beverage restrictions. 

An ultrasound uses a special device and sound waves to create pictures of your baby. The imaging procedure is painless, won't require invasive incisions, and is anesthesia or sedation-free. This means there are typically no food or drink restrictions before an ultrasound appointment. But the doctor may want you to have a full bladder. In some cases, this helps to get a better image. To fill your bladder, you will need to drink plenty of water before your ultrasound.

What Should You Wear To the Fetal Imaging Center?

The ultrasound technician may or may not ask you to change into a medical gown for the test. If you will also need a transvaginal ultrasound, it's likely you will need to wear a gown or drape a sheet over the lower part of your body.

Some medical centers permit women to wear their clothes for the ultrasound. Even though you won't have on an open hospital-style gown, the technician will still need access to your abdomen. Choose a comfortable outfit with a top that is easy to lift up. Avoid one-piece rompers, dresses, or tight/fitted clothing. 

What Should You Bring To the Ultrasound?

The answer to this question depends on the prenatal imaging center. Some centers ask patients to bring their insurance card and a valid picture ID (such as a driver's license). You may also need a prescription from your OB/healthcare provider, medical records, new patient paperwork, or other information that could affect the results of the test. Contact the imaging center before your appointment for a full list of required documents or paperwork.

Along with these items, you may also want to bring a small snack and a bottle of water—especially if you have morning sickness. Crackers or a similar snack can help to reduce nausea, making your appointment more comfortable. While you can't eat in the ultrasound exam room, you can ask the medical staff where to safely snack before or immediately after your test.

For more information, contact a prenatal imaging center near you.


17 June 2022

Getting The Prenatal Care I Needed

As soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, I knew that I needed to make a few changes to ensure that me and my baby stayed safe. For starters, I called around to find a great OBGYN, and I was able to book an appointment with an incredible clinic. They were really nice to work with, and before I knew it, I was having my first appointment. It was really fun to see the little heartbeat and to know that my baby was healthy and safe, which is why I was so happy that I found a great prenatal clinic. This blog is all about getting great prenatal care.